Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sponsor Highlight: DecoArt

Today's amazing sponsor is DecoArt
For all of your creative needs - from antiquing to zincing to stenciling to creating masterful works of art - DecoArt has the product!

DecoArt offers carry a range of products that appeal to not only the everyday crafter
but to the professional crafter and to the fine artist.
DecoArt has just launched DecoArt DIY!
"DecoArt.com/DIY is the creation of hundreds of creators. Your projects
featuring our products inspired us to create a space just for you - to
showcase your work, to learn from others like you and to successfully
use that stash of Americana and Craft Twinkles bottles you purchased for
one project on more!"

"DecoArt has one of the widest selection of paints and finishes for arts,
crafts, and home decorating. All DecoArt products are non-toxic and
user- and enviromently-friendly."
And all of you lucky attendees at the SoCal Social
will be receiving a sampling of products from DecoArt!
Thanks DecoArt!

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